Package: cairo

Function cairo:image-surface-create

Lambda List

cairo:image-surface-create (format width height)


format -- a cairo:format-t value with the format of pixels in the surface to create
width -- an integer for the width of the surface, in pixels
height -- an integer for the height of the surface, in pixels

Return Value

The newly created cairo:surface-t instance. The caller owns the surface and should call the cairo:surface-destroy function when done with it.


Creates an image surface of the specified format and dimensions. Initially the surface contents are all 0. Specifically, within each pixel, each color or alpha channel belonging to the format will be 0. The contents of bits within a pixel, but not belonging to the given format are undefined.

This function always returns a valid surface, but it will return a "nil" surface if an error such as out of memory occurs. You can use the cairo:surface-status function to check for this.

See also
