Package: cairo

Function cairo:font-options-variations

Lambda List

cairo:font-options-variations (options)


(cairo:font-options-variations options) => variations
(setf (cairo:font-options-variations options) variations)


options -- a cairo:font-options-t instance
variations -- a string with the font variations, or nil


The cairo:font-options-variations function gets the OpenType font variations for the font options instance. The (setf cairo:font-options-variations) function sets the OpenType font variations for the font options instance. The returned string belongs to the font options instance and must not be modified. It is valid until either the font options instance is destroyed or the font variations in the font options instance is modified.

Font variations are specified as a string with a format that is similar to the CSS font-variation-settings. The string contains a comma-separated list of axis assignments, which each assignment consists of a 4-character axis name and a value, separated by whitespace and optional equals sign.


wght=200, wdth=140.5
wght 200, wdth 140.5    

See also
