Package: cairo

Function cairo:font-options-color-palette

Lambda List

cairo:font-options-color-palette (options)


(cairo:font-options-color-palette options) => index
(setf (cairo:font-options-color-palette options) index)


options -- a cairo:font-options-t instance
index -- an unsigned integer for the palette index


The cairo:font-options-color-palette function gets the current OpenType color font palette for the font options instance. The (setf cairo:font-options-color-palette) function sets the OpenType font color palette. OpenType color fonts with a CPAL table may contain multiple palettes. The default color palette index is 0.

If index is invalid, the default palette is used.

Individual colors within the palette may be overriden with the cairo:font-options-custom-palette-color function.

Since 1.18

See also
