Package: cairo
Function cairo:create
Lambda Listcairo:create (target) ArgumentsReturn ValueThe newly allocated cairo:context-t instance. Details
Creates a new Cairo context with all graphics state parameters set to default values and with target as a target surface.
The target surface should be constructed with a backend-specific function such as the cairo:image-surface-create function, or any other variant. The initial reference count should be released with the cairo:destroy function when you are done using the Cairo context. This function will always return a valid Cairo context. If memory cannot be allocated, a special Cairo context will be returned on which the cairo:status function returns the :no-memory value. If you attempt to target a surface which does not support writing, then a :write-error value will be raised. You can use this object normally, but no drawing will be done. This function references target, so you can immediately call the cairo:surface-destroy function on it if you do not need to maintain a separate reference to it. | See also |