Package: gdk

GFlags gdk-axis-flags


Flags describing the current capabilities of a device/tool.
(define-g-flags "GdkAxisFlags" gdk-axis-flags
  (:export t
   :type-initializer "gdk_axis_flags_get_type")
  (:x        #.(ash 1 1))
  (:y        #.(ash 1 2))
  (:pressure #.(ash 1 3))
  (:xtilt    #.(ash 1 4))
  (:ytilt    #.(ash 1 5))
  (:wheel    #.(ash 1 6))
  (:distance #.(ash 1 7))
  (:rotation #.(ash 1 8))
  (:slider   #.(ash 1 9)))  
x axis is present.
y axis is present.
Pressure axis is present.
x tilt axis is present.
y tilt axis is present.
Wheel axis is present.
Distance axis is present.
z-axis rotation is present.
Slider axis is present.
Since 3.22

See also
