Package: gdk

Class gdk-device


g-object, common-lisp:standard-object, common-lisp:t

Documented Subclasses


Direct Slots

The type property of type gdk-device-type (Read / Write / Construct)
Device role in the device manager.
Default value: :master
The associated-device property of type gdk-device (Read)
Associated pointer or keyboard with this device, if any. Devices of type :master always come in keyboard/pointer pairs. Other device types will have a nil associated device.
The axes property of type gdk-axis-flag (Read)
The axes currently available for this device. Since 3.22
The device-manager property of type gdk-device-manager (Read / Write / Construct)
The device manager the device pertains to.
The display property of type gdk-display (Read / Write / Construct)
The display the device pertains to.
The has-cursor property of type :boolean (Read / Write / Construct)
Whether the device is represented by a cursor on the screen. Devices of type :master will have true here.
Default value: false
The input-mode property of type gdk-input-mode (Read / Write)
Input mode for the device.
Default value: :disabled
The input-source property of type gdk-input-source (Read / Write / Construct)
Source type for the device.
Default value: :mouse
The n-axes property of type :uint (Read)
Number of axes in the device.
Default value: 0
The name property of type :string (Read / Write / Construct)
The device name.
Default value: nil
The num-touches property of type :uint (Read / Write / Construct)
The maximal number of concurrent touches on a touch device. Will be 0 if the device is not a touch device or if the number of touches is unknown. Since 3.20
Default value: 0
The product-id property of type :string (Read / Write / Construct)
Product ID of the device.
Default value: nil
The seat property of type gdk-seat (Read / Write)
The seat of the device. Since 3.20
The tool property of type gdk-device-tool (Read)
The device tool that is currently used with this device. Since 3.22
The vendor-id property of type :string (Read / Write / Construct)
Vendor ID of this device.
Default value: nil


The gdk-device object represents a single input device, such as a keyboard, a mouse, a touchpad, etc.

See the gdk-device-manager documentation for more information about the various kinds of master and slave devices, and their relationships.

Signal Details

The "changed" signal
 lambda (device)   :run-last      
The signal is emitted either when the gdk-device object has changed the number of either axes or keys. For example In X this will normally happen when the slave device routing events through the master device changes, for example, user switches from the USB mouse to a tablet, in that case the master device will change to reflect the new slave device axes and keys.
The gdk-device object that changed.
The "tool-changed" signal
 lambda (device tool)    :run-last      
The signal is emitted on pen/eraser devices whenever tools enter or leave proximity.
The gdk-device object that changed.
The new gtk-device-tool current device tool.
Since 3.22

Slot Access Functions

Inherited Slot Access Functions

See also
