Package: pango
Function pango:layout-serial
Lambda Listpango:layout-serial (layout) ArgumentsReturn Value The unsigned integer with the current serial number of layout. Details
Returns the current serial number of the Pango layout.
The serial number is initialized to an small number larger than zero when a
new Pango layout is created and is increased whenever the Pango layout is changed using any of the setter functions, or the pango:context object
it uses has changed. The serial may wrap, but will never have the value 0.
Since it can wrap, never compare it with "less than", always use
"not equals". This can be used to automatically detect changes to a Pango layout, and is useful, for example, to decide whether a Pango layout needs redrawing. To force the serial to be increased, use the pango:layout-context-changed function. | See also |