Lambda List
pango:layout-line-x-ranges (line start end ranges n-ranges)
line -- a pango:layout-line instance
start -- an integer for the start byte index of the logical range.
If this value is less than the start index for the line, then the first
range will extend all the way to the leading edge of the Pango layout. Otherwise it will start at the leading edge of the first character.
end -- an integer for the ending byte index of the logical range.
If this value is greater than the end index for the line, then the last
range will extend all the way to the trailing edge of the Pango layout. Otherwise, it will end at the trailing edge of the last character.
ranges -- a pointer to an array of ranges. The array will be of length 2*n_ranges, with each range starting at (*ranges)[2*n] and of width (*ranges)[2*n + 1] - (*ranges)[2*n]. This array must be freed with the glib:free function. The coordinates are relative to the Pango layout and are in Pango units
n-ranges -- a pointer to an integer for the number of ranges stored in ranges.
Gets a list of visual ranges corresponding to a given logical range.
This list is not necessarily minimal - there may be consecutive ranges which
are adjacent. The ranges will be sorted from left to right. The ranges are
with respect to the left edge of the entire layout, not with respect to the