Package: pango

Function pango:language-from-string

Lambda List

pango:language-from-string (language)


language -- a string representing a language tag

Return Value

The newly created pango:language instance.


Takes a RFC-3066 format language tag as a string and convert it to a pango:language instance that can be efficiently copied and compared with other language tags. This function first canonicalizes the string by converting it to lowercase, mapping _ to -, and stripping all characters other than letters and -.

Use the pango:language-default function if you want to get the pango:language instance for the current locale of the process.


(pango:language-from-string "de-de") => #<PANGO-LANGUAGE {1006D76393}>
(pango:language-to-string *) => "de-de"    

See also
