Package: gtk

GEnum gtk:system-setting


(gobject:define-genum "GtkSystemSetting" system-setting
  (:export t
   :type-initializer "gtk_system_setting_get_type")


The gtk-xft-dpi setting has changed.
The gtk-font-name setting has changed.
The font configuration has changed in a way that requires text to be redrawn. This can be any of the gtk-xft-antialias, gtk-xft-hinting, gtk-xft-hintstyle gtk-xft-rgba or gtk-fontconfig-timestamp settings.
The display has changed.
The icon theme has changed in a way that requires icons to be looked up again.


Values that can be passed to the GtkWidget::system_setting_changed virtual function. The values indicate which system setting has changed. Widgets may need to drop caches, or react otherwise. Most of the values correspond to gtk:settings properties.

See also
