Package: gtk

GEnum gtk:stack-transition-type


(gobject:define-genum "GtkStackTransitionType" stack-transition-type
  (:export t
   :type-initializer "gtk_stack_transition_type_get_type")
  (:none 0)
  (:crossfade 1)
  (:slide-right 2)
  (:slide-left 3)
  (:slide-up 4)
  (:slide-down 5)
  (:slide-left-right 6)
  (:slide-up-down 7)
  (:over-up 8)
  (:over-down 9)
  (:over-left 10)
  (:over-right 11)
  (:under-up 12)
  (:under-down 13)
  (:under-left 14)
  (:under-right 15)
  (:over-up-down 16)
  (:over-down-up 17)
  (:over-left-right 18)
  (:over-right-left 19)
  (:rotate-left 20)
  (:rotate-right 21)
  (:rotate-left-right 22))  


No transition
A cross fade.
Slide from left to right.
Slide from right to left.
Slide from bottom up.
Slide from top down.
Slide from left or right according to the children order.
Slide from top down or bottom up according to the order.
Cover the old page by sliding up.
Cover the old page by sliding down.
Cover the old page by sliding to the left.
Cover the old page by sliding to the right.
Uncover the new page by sliding up.
Uncover the new page by sliding down.
Uncover the new page by sliding to the left.
Uncover the new page by sliding to the right.
Cover the old page sliding up or uncover the new page sliding down, according to order.
Cover the old page sliding down or uncover the new page sliding up, according to order.
Cover the old page sliding left or uncover the new page sliding right, according to order.
Cover the old page sliding right or uncover the new page sliding left, according to order.
Pretend the pages are sides of a cube and rotate that cube to the left.
Pretend the pages are sides of a cube and rotate that cube to the right.
Pretend the pages are sides of a cube and rotate that cube to the left or right according to the children order.


These enumeration values describe the possible transitions between pages in a gtk:stack widget.

See also
