Package: gtk

GEnum gtk:sorter-order


(gobject:define-genum "GtkSorterOrder" sorter-order
  (:export t
   :type-initializer "gtk_sorter_order_get_type")
  (:partial 0)
  (:none 1)
  (:total 2))  


A partial order, any value of the gtk:ordering enumeration is possible.
No order, all elements are considered equal. The gtk:sorter-compare function will only return the :equal value of the gtk:ordering enumeration.
A total order, the gtk:sorter-compare function will only return the :equal value of the gtk:ordering enumeration if an item is compared with itself. Two different items will never cause this value to be returned.


Describes the type of order that a gtk:sorter object may describe.

See also
