Package: gtk
GFlags gtk:input-hints
Declaration(gobject:define-gflags "GtkInputHints" input-hints (:export t :type-initializer "gtk_input_hints_get_type") (:none 0) (:spellcheck #.(ash 1 0)) (:no-spellcheck #.(ash 1 1)) (:word-completion #.(ash 1 2)) (:lowercase #.(ash 1 3)) (:uppercase-chars #.(ash 1 4)) (:uppercase-words #.(ash 1 5)) (:uppercase-sentences #.(ash 1 6)) (:inhibit-osk #.(ash 1 7)) (:vertical-writing #.(ash 1 8)) (:emoji #.(ash 1 9)) (:no-emoji #.(ash 1 10)) (:private #.(ash 1 11))) Values
Describes hints that might be taken into account by input methods or
Note that input methods may already tailor their behaviour according to the gtk:input-purpose value of the text entry. Some common sense is expected when using these flags - mixing :lowercase with any of the uppercase hints makes no sense. This flags may be extended in the future. Input methods should ignore unknown values. | See also |