Package: gtk

GFlags gtk:input-hints


(gobject:define-gflags "GtkInputHints" input-hints
  (:export t
   :type-initializer "gtk_input_hints_get_type")
  (:none 0)
  (:spellcheck          #.(ash 1 0))
  (:no-spellcheck       #.(ash 1 1))
  (:word-completion     #.(ash 1 2))
  (:lowercase           #.(ash 1 3))
  (:uppercase-chars     #.(ash 1 4))
  (:uppercase-words     #.(ash 1 5))
  (:uppercase-sentences #.(ash 1 6))
  (:inhibit-osk         #.(ash 1 7))
  (:vertical-writing    #.(ash 1 8))
  (:emoji               #.(ash 1 9))
  (:no-emoji            #.(ash 1 10))
  (:private             #.(ash 1 11)))  


No special behaviour suggested.
Suggest checking for typos.
Suggest not checking for typos.
Suggest word completion.
Suggest to convert all text to lowercase.
Suggest to capitalize all text.
Suggest to capitalize the first character of each word.
Suggest to capitalize the first word of each sentence.
Suggest to not show an onscreen keyboard, for example, for a calculator that already has all the keys.
The text is vertical.
Suggest offering Emoji support.
Suggest not offering Emoji support.
Request that the input method should not update personalized data (like typing history).


Describes hints that might be taken into account by input methods or applications. Note that input methods may already tailor their behaviour according to the gtk:input-purpose value of the text entry.

Some common sense is expected when using these flags - mixing :lowercase with any of the uppercase hints makes no sense.

This flags may be extended in the future. Input methods should ignore unknown values.

See also
