Package: gtk

Function gtk:widget-translate-coordinates

Lambda List

gtk:widget-translate-coordinates (src dst xsrc ysrc)


(gtk:widget-translate-coordinates src dest xsrc ysrc) => xdest, ydest


src -- a gtk:widget object
dest -- a gtk:widget object
xsrc -- an integer for the x position relative to src
ysrc -- an integer for the y position relative to src

Return Value

False if either the widget was not realized, or there was no common ancestor. Otherwise the x position and the y position relative to dest.


Translate coordinates relative to the allocation of src to coordinates relative to the allocations of dest. In order to perform this operation, both widgets must be realized, and must share a common toplevel.


This function is deprecated since 4.12. Use the gtk:widget-compute-point function instead.

See also
