Package: gtk

Function gtk:tree-view-insert-column-with-attributes

Lambda List

gtk:tree-view-insert-column-with-attributes (view pos title renderer &rest attributes)


view -- a gtk:tree-view widget
pos -- an integer with the position to insert the new column in
title -- a string with the title to set the header to
renderer -- a gtk:cell-renderer object
attributes -- pairs of attributes

Return Value

The integer with the number of columns in view after insertion.


Creates a new gtk:tree-view-column object and inserts it into the tree view at pos. If the pos argument is -1, then the newly created column is inserted at the end. The column is initialized with the attributes given. If view has the fixed-height-mode property enabled, then the new column will have its sizing property set to be the :fixed value.


The gtk:tree-view implementation is deprecated since 4.10. Please do not use it in newly written code.

See also
