Package: gtk

Function gtk:tree-view-column-cell-set-cell-data

Lambda List

gtk:tree-view-column-cell-set-cell-data (column model iter expander expanded)


column -- a gtk:tree-view-column object
model -- a gtk:tree-model to to get the cell renderer's attributes from
iter -- a gtk:tree-iter to to get the cell renderer's attributes from
expander -- true, if the row has children
expanded -- true, if the row has visible children


Sets the cell renderer based on the tree model and iter. That is, for every attribute mapping in the tree view column, it will get a value from the column on the iter, and use that value to set the attribute on the cell renderer. This is used primarily by the tree view.


The gtk:tree-view-column implementation is deprecated since 4.10. Please do not use it in newly written code.

See also
