The integer with the index starting from 0 of the added page in the
notebook, or -1 if the function fails.
Inserts a page into the notebook depending on the value of the
pos keyword argument with the
:end default value:
- :start
Prepends a page to the notebook. This replaces the functions:
- gtk_notebook_prepend_page()
- gtk_notebook_prepend_page_menu()
- :end
Appends a page to the notebook. This replaces the functions:
- gtk_notebook_append_page()
- gtk_notebook_append_page_menu()
- otherwise
- Insert a page into the notebook at the given pos, which is an
integer with the index starting from 0. This replaces the functions:
- gtk_notebook_insert_page()
- gtk_notebook_insert_page_menu()
If the
menu optinal argument is
nil, that is the default value, and the
tab argument is a
gtk:label widget or
nil, then the menu label will be a newly created label with the same text as
tab. If the
tab argument is not a
gtk:label widget, the
argument must be specified if the page-switch menu is to be used.