Package: gtk

Function gtk:layout-manager-measure

Lambda List

gtk:layout-manager-measure (layout widget orientation size)


layout -- a gtk:layout-manager object
widget -- a gtk:widget object using layout
orientation -- a gtk:orientation value to measure
size -- an integer with the size for the opposite of orientation, for instance, if the orientation is :horizontal, this is the height of the widget, if the orientation is :vertical, this is the width of the widget, this allows to measure the height for the given width, and the width for the given height, use -1 if the size is not known

Return Value

minimum -- an integer with the minimum size for the given size and orientation
natual -- an integer with the natural, or preferred size for the given size and orientation
minimum-baseline -- an integer with the baseline position for the minimum size
natural-baseline -- an integer with the baseline position for the natural size


Measures the size of the widget using layout, for the given orientation and size. See the gtk:widget objects geometry management section for more details.

See also
