Package: gtk

Accessor gtk:font-chooser-widget-tweak-action

Lambda List

gtk:font-chooser-widget-tweak-action (object)


(gtk:font-chooser-widget-tweak-action object) => action
(setf (gtk:font-chooser-widget-tweak-action object) action)


object -- a gtk:font-chooser-widget widget
action -- a g:action toggle action


Accessor of the tweak-action slot of the gtk:font-chooser-widget class. A toggle action that can be used to switch to the tweak page of the font chooser widget, which lets the user tweak the OpenType features and variation axes of the selected font. The action will be enabled or disabled depending on whether the selected font has any features or axes.


The gtk:font-chooser-widget implementation is deprecated since 4.10. Direct use of the gtk:font-chooser-widget widget is deprecated.

See also
