Package: gtk

Function gtk:cell-renderer-text-set-fixed-height-from-font

Lambda List

gtk:cell-renderer-text-set-fixed-height-from-font (renderer number-of-rows)


renderer -- a gtk:cell-renderer-text object
number-of-rows -- an integer with the number of rows of text each cell renderer is allocated, or -1


Sets the height of a renderer to explicitly be determined by the font and y-pad properties set on it. Further changes in these properties do not affect the height, so they must be accompanied by a subsequent call to this function. Using this function is unflexible, and should really only be used if calculating the size of a cell is too slow, that is, a massive number of cells displayed. If the number-of-rows argument is -1, then the fixed height is unset, and the height is determined by the properties again.


The gtk:cell-renderer-text implementation is deprecated since 4.10. Please do not use it in newly written code.

See also
