Package: gtk

Accessor gtk:cell-renderer-combo-text-column

Lambda List

gtk:cell-renderer-combo-text-column (object)


(gtk:cell-renderer-combo-text-column object) => column
(setf (gtk:cell-renderer-combo-text-column object) column)


object -- a gtk:cell-renderer-combo object
column -- an integer which specifies the model colum which holds the possible values for the combo box


Accessor of the text-column slot of the gtk:cell-renderer-combo class. Specifies the model column which holds the possible values for the combo box. Note that this refers to the model specified in the model property, not the model backing the tree view to which this cell renderer is attached. The combo cell renderer automatically adds a text cell renderer for this column to its combo box.


The gtk:cell-renderer-combo implementation is deprecated since 4.10. Please do not use it in newly written code.

See also
