Package: gtk

Function gtk:cell-area-request-renderer

Lambda List

gtk:cell-area-request-renderer (area renderer orientation widget for-size)


area -- a gtk:cell-area object
renderer -- a gtk:cell-renderer object to request size for
orientation -- a value of the gtk:orientation enumeration in which to request size
widget -- a gtk:widget object that area is rendering onto
for-size -- an integer with the allocation contextual size to request for, or -1 if the base request for the orientation is to be returned

Return Value

minimum -- an integer with the minimum size, or nil
natural -- an integer with the natural size, or nil


This is a convenience function for gtk:cell-area implementations to request size for cell renderers. It is important to use this function to request size and then use the gtk:cell-area-inner-cell-area function at render and event time since this function will add padding around the cell for focus painting.


The gtk:cell-area implementation is deprecated since 4.10. List views use widgets for displaying their contents.

See also
