Package: gtk

Function gtk:cell-area-preferred-width

Lambda List

gtk:cell-area-preferred-width (area context widget)


area -- a gtk:cell-area object
context -- a gtk:cell-area-context object to perform this request with
widget -- a gtk:widget object where area will be rendering

Return Value

minimum -- an integer with the minimum width, or nil
natural -- an integer with the natural width, or nil


Retrieves an initial minimum and natural width of the cell area. The area argument will store some geometrical information in context along the way, when requesting sizes over an arbitrary number of rows, its not important to check the minimum and natural of this call but rather to consult the gtk:cell-area-context-preferred-width function after a series of requests.


The gtk:cell-area implementation is deprecated since 4.10. List views use widgets for displaying their contents.

See also
