Package: gtk

Function gtk:application-actions-for-accel

Lambda List

gtk:application-actions-for-accel (application accel)


application -- a gtk:application instance
accel -- a string with an accelerator that can be parsed by the gtk:accelerator-parse function

Return Value

The list of strings of actions for the accel argument.


Returns the list of actions, possibly empty, that the given accelerator maps to. Each item in the list is a detailed action name in the usual form.

This might be useful to discover if an accelerator already exists in order to prevent installation of a conflicting accelerator, from an accelerator editor or a plugin system, for example. Note that having more than one action per accelerator may not be a bad thing and might make sense in cases where the actions never appear in the same context.

In case there are no actions for a given accelerator, an empty list is returned.

It is a programmer error to pass an invalid accelerator string. If you are unsure, check it with the gtk:accelerator-parse function first.

See also
