Package: gsk

Function gsk:transform-to-2d

Lambda List

gsk:transform-to-2d (transform)


transform -- a gtk:transform instance

Return Value

The (xx xy yx yy dx dy) list with the single floats of the 2D transformation matrix.


Converts a gsk:transform instace to a 2D transformation matrix. The transform argument must be a 2D transformation. If you are not sure, use the gsk:transform-category function to check.

The returned values have the following layout:
| xx yx |   |  a  b  0 |
| xy yy | = |  c  d  0 |
| dx dy |   | tx ty  1 |  
This function can be used to convert between a gsk:transform instance and a matrix from other 2D drawing libraries, in particular Cairo.

See also
