Package: gsk

Function gsk:rounded-rect-init

Lambda List

gsk:rounded-rect-init (rect bounds top-left top-right bottom-right bottom-left)


rect -- a gsk:rounded-rect instance to initialize
bounds -- a graphene:rect-t instance describing the bounds
top-left -- a graphene:size-t instance with the rounding radius of the top left corner
top-right -- a graphene:size-t instance with the rounding radius of the top right corner
bottom-right -- a graphene:size-t instance with the rounding radius of the bottom right corner
bottom-left -- a graphene:size-t instance with the rounding radius of the bottom left corner

Return Value

The initialized gsk:rounded-rect instance.


Initializes the given rect with the given values. This function will implicitly normalize the rounded rectangle before returning.

See also
