Package: gsk

Function gsk:path-builder-rel-html-arc-to

Lambda List

gsk:path-builder-rel-html-arc-to (builder x1 y1 x2 y2 radius)


builder -- a gsk:path-builder instance
x1 -- a number coerced to a single float with the X coordinate of the first control point
y1 -- a number coerced to a single float with the Y coordinate of the first control point
x2 -- a number coerced to a single float with the X coordinate of the second control point
y2 -- a number coerced to a single float with the Y coordinate of the second control point
radius -- a number coerced to a single float with the radius of the circle


Implements arc-to according to the HTML Canvas spec. All coordinates are given relative to the current point. This is the relative version of the gsk:path-builder-html-arc-to function.

Since 4.14

See also
