Package: gsk

Function gsk:path-builder-arc-to

Lambda List

gsk:path-builder-arc-to (builder x1 y1 x2 y2)


builder -- a gsk:path-builder instance
x1 -- a number coerced to a single float with the X coordinate of the first control point
y1 -- a number coerced to a single float with the Y coordinate of the first control point
x2 -- a number coerced to a single float with the X coordinate of the second control point
y2 -- a number coerced to a single float with the Y coordinate of the second control point


Adds an elliptical arc from the current point to x2, y2 with x1, y1 determining the tangent directions. After this, x2, y2 will be the new current point.

Note: Two points and their tangents do not determine a unique ellipse, so GSK just picks one. If you need more precise control, use the gsk:path-builder-conic-to or gsk:path-builder-svg-arc-to functions.

Figure: Draw arc

Since 4.14

See also
