Package: gsk

Function gsk:path-builder-add-segment

Lambda List

gsk:path-builder-add-segment (builder path start end)


builder -- a gsk:path-builder instance
path -- a gsk:path instance with the path to take the segment to
start -- a gsk:path-point instance with the point on path to start at
end -- a gsk:path-point instance with the point on path to end at


Adds to builder the segment of path from start to end. If start is equal to or after end, the path will first add the segment from start to end of the path, and then add the segment from the beginning to end. If the path is closed, these segments will be connected.

Note that this method always adds a path with the given start point and end point. To add a closed path, use the gsk:path-builder-add-path functin.

Since 4.14

See also
