Package: graphene

Function graphene:matrix-equal-fast

Lambda List

graphene:matrix-equal-fast (a b)


a -- a graphene:matrix-t instance
b -- a graphene:vec3-t instance

Return Value

True if the two matrices are equal, false otherwise.


Checks whether the two given matrices are byte-by-byte equal.

While this function is faster than the graphene:matrix-equal function, it can also return false negatives, so it should be used in conjuction with either the graphene:matrix-equal or graphene:matrix-near function. For instance:
if (graphene_matrix_equal_fast (a, b))
    // matrices are definitely the same
    if (graphene_matrix_equal (a, b))
      // matrices contain the same values within an epsilon of FLT_EPSILON
    else if (graphene_matrix_near (a, b, 0.0001))
      // matrices contain the same values within an epsilon of 0.0001
      // matrices are not equal

See also
