Package: graphene

Function graphene:euler-to-matrix

Lambda List

graphene:euler-to-matrix (euler result)


euler -- a graphene:euler-t instance
result -- a graphene:matrix-t instance

Return Value

The graphene:matrix-t instance.


Converts a graphene:euler-t instance into a transformation matrix expressing the extrinsic composition of rotations described by the Euler angles.

The rotations are applied over the reference frame axes in the order associated with the graphene:euler-t instance. For instance, if the order used to initialize euler is the :xyz value:
  • the first rotation moves the body around the X axis with an angle φ
  • the second rotation moves the body around the Y axis with an angle of ϑ
  • the third rotation moves the body around the Z axis with an angle of ψ
The rotation sign convention is right-handed, to preserve compatibility between Euler-based, quaternion-based, and angle-axis-based rotations.

See also
