Package: gobject

Function gobject:param-spec-internal

Lambda List

gobject:param-spec-internal (ptype name nick blurb flags)


ptype -- a g:type-t type ID for the property, must be derived from the "GParam" type
name -- a string with the canonical name of the property
nick -- a string with the nickname of the property
blurb -- a string with a short description of the property
flags -- a combination of flags from the g:param-flags bitfield

Return Value

The newly allocated g:param-spec instance.


Creates a new parameter specification instance. A property name consists of segments consisting of ASCII letters and digits, separated by either the '-' or '_' character. The first character of a property name must be a letter. Names which violate these rules lead to undefined behaviour.

When creating and looking up a g:param-spec instance, either separator can be used, but they cannot be mixed. Using '-' is considerably more efficient and in fact required when using property names as detail strings for signals.

Beyond name, g:param-spec instances have two more descriptive strings associated with them, nick, which should be suitable for use as a label for the property in a property editor, and blurb, which should be a somewhat longer description, suitable, for example, for a tooltip. The nick and blurb values should ideally be localized.


(g:param-spec-internal "GParamBoolean"
                       "Boolean" "Bool" "Doku"
                       '(:readable :writable))
=> #.(SB-SYS:INT-SAP #X00933890)
(g:param-spec-type-name *)
=> "GParamBoolean"    

See also
