Package: glib
Function glib:option-context-parse-strv
Lambda Listglib:option-context-parse-strv (context arguments) ArgumentsReturn ValueTrue if the parsing was successful, false if an error occurred. Details
Parses the command line arguments. This function is similar to the g:option-context-parse function except
that it respects the normal memory rules when dealing with a list of strings
instead of assuming that the passed-in list are the command line arguments of
the main function. In particular, strings that are removed from the arguments list will be freed using the g_free() function. On Windows, the strings are expected to be in UTF-8. This is in contrast to the g:option-context-parse function which expects them to be in the system codepage, which is how they are passed as the command line arguments to the main function. See the g_win32_get_command_line() function for a solution. This function is useful if you are trying to use a g:option-context instance with a g:application instance. | See also |