Package: gdk
GFlags gdk:anchor-hints
Declaration(gobject:define-gflags "GdkAnchorHints" anchor-hints (:export t :type-initializer "gdk_anchor_hints_get_type") (:flip-x #.(ash 1 0)) (:flip-y #.(ash 1 1)) (:slide-x #.(ash 1 2)) (:slide-y #.(ash 1 3)) (:resize-x #.(ash 1 4)) (:resize-y #.(ash 1 5)) (:flip #.(+ (ash 1 0) (ash 1 1))) (:slide #.(+ (ash 1 2) (ash 1 3))) (:resize #.(+ (ash 1 4) (ash 1 5)))) Values
Positioning hints for aligning a surface relative to a rectangle.
These hints determine how the surface should be positioned in the case that
the surface would fall off-screen if placed in its ideal position. For example, the :flip-x value will replace the :north-west gravity with the :north-east gravity and vice versa if the surface extends beyond the left or right edges of the monitor. If the :slide-x value is set, the surface can be shifted horizontally to fit on-screen. If the :resize-x value is set, the surface can be shrunken horizontally to fit. In general, when multiple flags are set, flipping should take precedence over sliding, which should take precedence over resizing. | See also |