Package: gdk
Function gdk:rgba-parse
Lambda Listgdk:rgba-parse (str) ArgumentsReturn ValueThe newly created gdk:rgba color with the filled in values, or nil. Details
Parses a textual representation of a color, and returns a RGBA instance filling in the red, green, blue and alpha
fields. If the given textual representation is not recognized, nil is returned.
The string can be either one of:
Examples(gdk:rgba-parse "LightGreen") => #S(GDK-RGBA :RED 0.5647059 :GREEN 0.93333334 :BLUE 0.5647059 :ALPHA 1.0) (gdk:rgba-parse "#90ee90") => #S(GDK-RGBA :RED 0.5647059 :GREEN 0.93333334 :BLUE 0.5647059 :ALPHA 1.0) (gdk:rgba-parse "unknown") => NIL | See also |