Package: gdk
Method gdk:paintable-get-current-image-impl
Lambda Listgdk:paintable-get-current-image-impl (paintable) Details Method called from the gdk:paintable-current-image function. Default method(defmethod paintable-get-current-image-impl ((paintable paintable)) (if (not (set-difference '(:static-size :static-contents) (paintable-get-flags-impl paintable))) ;; Paintable is immutable, return it paintable ;; Create a new paintable object (let ((width (paintable-get-intrinsic-width-impl paintable)) (height (paintable-get-intrinsic-height-impl paintable))) (if (or (<= width 0) (<= height 0)) (paintable-new-empty width height) (let ((snapshot (g:object-new "GtkSnapshot"))) (paintable-snapshot paintable snapshot width height) ;; The GTK package is not availabe at this point. We call the ;; C function directly. (cffi:foreign-funcall "gtk_snapshot_free_to_paintable" (g:object snapshot) snapshot :pointer (cffi:null-pointer)))))))The implementation of this method is not mandatory. The default implementation returns the paintable itself, when it is a static paintable. Otherwise, the default method returns an empty paintable or creates a paintable for the intrinsic width and height. | See also |