Package: gdk-pixbuf

Function gdk-pixbuf:pixbuf-new-from-bytes

Lambda List

gdk-pixbuf:pixbuf-new-from-bytes (data colorspace has-alpha bits-per-sample width height rowstride)


data -- a g:bytes instance with the image data in 8-bit sample packed format
colorspace -- a gdk-pixbuf:colorspace value for the image
has-alpha -- a boolean whether the image should have transparency information
bits-per-sample -- an integer with number of bits per color sample
width -- an integer with the width of image in pixels, must be > 0
height -- an integer with the height of image in pixels, must be > 0
rowstride -- an integer with the distance in bytes between row starts

Return Value

The newly created gdk-pixbuf:pixbuf object with a reference count of 1.


Creates a new gdk-pixbuf:pixbuf object out of in-memory readonly image data. Currently only RGB images with 8 bits per sample are supported.

See also
