Package: gdk-pixbuf

Function gdk-pixbuf:pixbuf-composite-color-simple

Lambda List

gdk-pixbuf:pixbuf-composite-color-simple (src width height interp alpha size color1 color2)


src -- a gdk-pixbuf:pixbuf object
width -- an integer with the width of destination image
height -- an integer with the height of destination image
interp -- a gdk-pixbuf:pixbuf-interp-type interpolation type for the transformation
alpha -- an integer with the overall alpha for source image (0..255)
size -- an integer with the size of checks in the checkboard, must be a power of two
color1 -- an unsigned integer with the color of check at upper left
color2 -- an unsigned integer with the color of the other check

Return Value

The new gdk-pixbuf:pixbuf object, or nil if not enough memory could be allocated for it.


Creates a new gdk-pixbuf:pixbuf object by scaling src to width x height and compositing the result with a checkboard of colors color1 and color2.

See also
