Package: gdk-pixbuf

Function gdk-pixbuf:pixbuf-animation-iter-advance

Lambda List

gdk-pixbuf:pixbuf-animation-iter-advance (iter time)


iter -- a gdk-pixbuf:pixbuf-animation-iter iterator
time -- an unsigned integer with the current time

Return Value

True if the image may need updating.


Possibly advances an animation to a new frame. Chooses the frame based on the start time passed to the gdk-pixbuf:pixbuf-animation-iter function.

The time argument would normally come from the g_get_current_time() function, and must be greater than or equal to the time passed to the gdk-pixbuf:pixbuf-animation-iter function, and must increase or remain unchanged each time the gdk-pixbuf:pixbuf-animation-iter-pixbuf function is called. That is, you cannot go backward in time, animations only play forward.

As a shortcut, pass nil for the current time and the g_get_current_time() function will be invoked on your behalf. So you only need to explicitly pass time if you are doing something odd like playing the animation at double speed.

If this function returns false, there is no need to update the animation display, assuming the display had been rendered prior to advancing. If true, you need to call the gdk-pixbuf:pixbuf-animation-iter-pixbuf function and update the display with the new pixbuf.

See also
