Package: cairo

Function cairo:scaled-font-text-to-glyphs

Lambda List

cairo:scaled-font-text-to-glyphs (font x y utf8)


font -- a cairo:scaled-font-t instance
x -- a number coerced to a double float for the x position to place first glyph
y -- a number coerced to a double float for the y position to place first glyph
utf8 -- a string of text encoded in UTF8

Return Value

The list of glyphs for utf8 upon sucess, or nil if the input values are wrong or if conversion failed. If the input values are correct but the conversion failed, the error status is set on font.


Converts UTF8 text to a list of glyphs. The output values can be readily passed to the cairo:show-glyphs function, or related functions, assuming that the exact same font is used for the operation.

Lisp implementation

The C function also enables cluster mapping. Currently, cluster mapping is not implemented for the Lisp API.

See also
