Package: cairo
Function cairo:recording-surface-create
Lambda Listcairo:recording-surface-create (content &key x y width height) ArgumentsReturn ValueThe newly created cairo:surface-t instance. Details
Creates a recording surface which can be used to record all drawing
operations at the highest level, that is, the level of paint, mask, stroke,
fill and text glyphs.
If at least one keyword argument is given a bounded recording surface is
created, otherwise the recording surface is unbounded. The default values
for the keyword arguments are 0.0d0. The recording surface can then be "replayed" against any target surface by using it as a source to drawing operations. The recording phase of the recording surface is careful to snapshot all necessary objects, paths, patterns, etc., in order to achieve accurate replay. The caller owns the surface and should call the cairo:surface-destroy function when done with it. | See also |