Package: cairo

Function cairo:pdf-surface-add-outline

Lambda List

cairo:pdf-surface-add-outline (surface parent utf8 link flags)


surface -- a cairo:surface-t instance
parent -- an integer for the ID of the parent item of 0 if this is a top level item
utf8 -- a string for the name of the outline
link -- a string for the link attributes specifying where this outline links to
flags -- a cairo:pdf-outline-flags-t value for the outline flags

Return Value

The integer with the ID for the added item.


Add an item to the document outline hierarchy with the name utf8 that links to the location specified by link. Link attributes have the same keys and values as the Link Tag, excluding the "rect" attribute. The item will be a child of the item with ID parent. Use the 0 value as the parent ID of toplevel items.

See also
