Package: cairo
Function cairo:glyph-path
Lambda Listcairo:glyph-path (cr glyphs) ArgumentsDetails
Adds closed paths for the glyphs to the current path.
The generated path if filled, achieves an effect similar to that of the cairo:show-glyphs function. Examples(cairo:with-context-for-recording-surface (context :color) (cairo:glyph-path context '((20 0 10))) ; #\0 (cairo:path-data-to-list (cairo:copy-path context))) => (:PATH (:MOVE-TO 3.7265625d0 10.0d0) (:LINE-TO 2.84765625d0 10.0d0) (:LINE-TO 2.84765625d0 4.3984375d0) (:CURVE-TO 2.63671875d0 4.6015625d0 2.359375d0 4.8046875d0 2.015625d0 5.00390625d0) (:CURVE-TO 1.671875d0 5.20703125d0 1.36328125d0 5.359375d0 1.08984375d0 5.4609375d0) (:LINE-TO 1.08984375d0 4.609375d0) (:CURVE-TO 1.58203125d0 4.37890625d0 2.01171875d0 4.09765625d0 2.37890625d0 3.76953125d0) (:CURVE-TO 2.74609375d0 3.44140625d0 3.0078125d0 3.12109375d0 3.16015625d0 2.8125d0) (:LINE-TO 3.7265625d0 2.8125d0) (:CLOSE-PATH) (:MOVE-TO 3.7265625d0 10.0d0)) | See also |