Package: cairo

Function cairo:glyph-path

Lambda List

cairo:glyph-path (cr glyphs)


cr -- a cairo:context-t instance
glyphs -- a list of glyphs, each glyph is represented by an item that is a list with the (index x y) glyph values
index -- an unsigned integer for the glyph index in the font
x -- a number coerced to a double float for the offset in the x direction between the origin used for drawing the string and the orgin of this glyph
y -- a number coerced to a double float for the y direction between the orgin used for drawing the string and the origin of this glyph


Adds closed paths for the glyphs to the current path. The generated path if filled, achieves an effect similar to that of the cairo:show-glyphs function.


Get and return the path for the glyph representing the #\0 character.
(cairo:with-context-for-recording-surface (context :color)
  (cairo:glyph-path context '((20 0 10))) ; #\0
  (cairo:path-data-to-list (cairo:copy-path context)))
(:PATH (:MOVE-TO 3.7265625d0 10.0d0)
       (:LINE-TO 2.84765625d0 10.0d0)
       (:LINE-TO 2.84765625d0 4.3984375d0)
       (:CURVE-TO 2.63671875d0 4.6015625d0
                  2.359375d0 4.8046875d0
                  2.015625d0 5.00390625d0)
       (:CURVE-TO 1.671875d0 5.20703125d0
                  1.36328125d0 5.359375d0
                  1.08984375d0 5.4609375d0)
       (:LINE-TO 1.08984375d0 4.609375d0)
       (:CURVE-TO 1.58203125d0 4.37890625d0
                  2.01171875d0 4.09765625d0
                  2.37890625d0 3.76953125d0)
       (:CURVE-TO 2.74609375d0 3.44140625d0
                  3.0078125d0 3.12109375d0
                  3.16015625d0 2.8125d0)
       (:LINE-TO 3.7265625d0 2.8125d0)
       (:MOVE-TO 3.7265625d0 10.0d0))    

See also
