Package: closer-mop
Generic Function specializer-direct-generic-functions
Lambda List
specializer-direct-generic-functions (specializer)
Return Value
The result of this generic function is a possibly empty list of generic function metaobjects.
This generic function returns the possibly empty set of those generic functions which have a method with specializer as a specializer. The
elements of this set are generic function metaobjects. This value is maintained by the generic functions add-direct-method and remove-direct-method.
specializer-direct-generic-functions (specializer class)
specializer-direct-generic-functions (specializer eql-specializer)
No behavior is specified for this method beyond that which is specified
for the generic function.
This method cannot be overridden unless the following methods are overridden as well:
add-direct-method (class method)
remove-direct-method (class method)
specializer-direct-methods (class)
This method cannot be overridden unless the following methods are overridden as well:
add-direct-method (class method)
remove-direct-method (class method)
specializer-direct-methods (class)
specializer-direct-generic-functions (specializer eql-specializer)
No behavior is specified for this method beyond that which is specified
for the generic function.