Package: closer-mop

Generic Function compute-default-initargs

Lambda List

compute-default-initargs (class)


The class argument is a class metaobject.

Return Value

The value returned by this generic function is a list of canonicalized default initialization arguments.


This generic-function is called to determine the default initialization arguments for a class.

The result is a list of canonicalized default initialization arguments, with no duplication among initialization argument names.

All methods on this generic function must compute the default initialization arguments as a function of only: (i) the class precedence list of class, and (ii) the direct default initialization arguments of each class in that list. The results are undefined if the rules used to compute the default initialization arguments depend on any other factors.

When a class is finalized, finalize-inheritance calls this generic function and associates the returned value with the class metaobject. The value can then be accessed by calling class-default-initargs.

The list returned by this generic function will not be mutated by the implementation. The results are undefined if a portable program mutates the list returned by this generic function.


compute-default-initargs (class standard-class)
compute-default-initargs (class funcallable-standard-class)
These methods compute the default initialization arguments according to the rules described in the section of the CLOS Specification called "Defaulting of Initialization Arguments".

These methods signal an error if class or any of its superclasses is a forward referenced class.

These methods can be overridden.