Package: pango

Function pango-context-base-dir

Lambda List

pango-context-base-dir (context)


(pango-context-base-dir context) => direction
(setf (pango-context-base-dir context) direction)


context -- a pango-context
direction -- the base direction of type pango-direction


Accessor of the base direction for the Pango context.

The function pango-context-base-dir retrieves the base direction for the context. The function (setf pango-context-base-dir) sets the base direction for the context.

The base direction is used in applying the Unicode bidirectional algorithm. If the direction is :ltr or :rtl, then the value will be used as the paragraph direction in the Unicode bidirectional algorithm. A value of :weak-ltr or :weak-rtl is used only for paragraphs that do not contain any strong characters themselves.

See also
