Package: pango

Function pango-cairo-context-resolution

Lambda List

pango-cairo-context-resolution (context)


(pango-cairo-context-resolution context) => dpi
(setf (pango-cairo-context-resolution context) dpi)


context -- a pango-context object, from a PangoCairo font map
dpi -- the resolution in "dots per inch", physical inches are not actually involved, the terminology is conventional, a 0 or negative value means to use the resolution from the font map


Accessor of the resolution in "dots per inch" for the Pango context.

The function pango-cairo-context-resolution gets the resolution for the context. The function (setf pango-cairo-context-resolution) sets the resolution for the context. This is a scale factor between points specified in a pango-font-description instance and Cairo units. The default value is 96, meaning that a 10 point font will be 13 units high: (10 * 96 / 72 = 13.3).

See also
