Through the
g-param-flags flag values, certain aspects of parameters
can be configured.
(defbitfield g-param-flags
(:readable #.(ash 1 0))
(:writable #.(ash 1 1))
(:construct #.(ash 1 2))
(:construct-only #.(ash 1 3))
(:lax-validation #.(ash 1 4))
(:static-name #.(ash 1 5))
(:static-nick #.(ash 1 6))
(:static-blurb #.(ash 1 7))
(:deprecated #.(ash 1 31)))
- :readable
- The parameter is readable.
- :writable
- The parameter is writable.
- :construct
- The parameter will be set upon object construction.
- :construct-only
- The parameter will only be set upon object construction.
- :lax-validation
- Upon parameter conversion (see g_param_value_convert()) strict validation is not required.
- :static-name
- The string used as name when constructing the parameter
is guaranteed to remain valid and unmodified for the lifetime of the parameter.
- :static-nick
- The string used as nick when constructing the parameter
is guaranteed to remain valid and unmmodified for the lifetime of the parameter.
- :static-blurb
- The string used as blurb when constructing the
parameter is guaranteed to remain valid and unmodified for the lifetime of the parameter.
- :deprecated
- The parameter is deprecated and will be removed in a
future version. A warning will be generated if it is used while running with G_ENABLE_DIAGNOSTIC=1.