Package: gobject

Function g-type-class-peek

Lambda List

g-type-class-peek (gtype)


gtype -- a g-type ID of a classed type

Return Value

The g-type-class structure for the given gtype ID or nil if the class does not currently exist.


This function is essentially the same as the function g-type-class-ref, except that the classes reference count is not incremented. As a consequence, this function may return nil if the class of the type passed in does not currently exist (has not been referenced before).


(g-type-class-peek "GtkLabel") => NIL
(g-type-class-ref "GtkLabel") => #.(SB-SYS:INT-SAP #X081B9760)
(g-type-class-peek "GtkLabel") => #.(SB-SYS:INT-SAP #X081B9760)    

See also
