Package: gobject

Function g-object-class-find-property

Lambda List

g-object-class-find-property (gtype name)


gtype -- a g-type type ID for an object class type
name -- a string with the name of the property to look up

Return Value

The g-param-spec instance for the property, or nil if the object class does not have a property of that name.


Looks up the g-param-spec instance for a property of an object class type.


The g-param-spec instance for the property "label" of a gtk-label widget is looked up.
(setq pspec (g-object-class-find-property "GtkLabel" "label"))
=> #.(SB-SYS:INT-SAP #X009FC730)
(g-param-spec-type pspec)
=> #<GTYPE :name "GParamString" :id 9641904>
(g-param-spec-value-type pspec)
=> #<GTYPE :name "gchararray" :id 64>
(g-param-spec-name pspec)
=> "label"    

See also
